Men Like Me

This new free program titled “Men Like Me” (Hommes Comme Moi) is aimed at immigrant and refugee fathers to provide them with additional tools to become allies within their families and communities.

Interested? Click below to learn more or to fill out the interest form.

Successful Integration: Strategies for a Fulfilling Life Transition

You are at a pivotal moment in your life, ready to explore new horizons and embrace a significant transition. To accompany you on this journey towards a fulfilling and successful life, we invite you to participate in our special sessions of “Bridges to Successful Life Transition”.

Workshops: Intercultural Parenting

These workshops aim to equip you with new parenting skills and allow you to better understand Canadian culture and its expectations as a parent while maintaining your cultural identity.

If questions like these interest you, participate in the series of 5 workshops offered by PIA in collaboration with CIWA.




Maternal Harmony

Join us for an afternoon of relaxation and creative expression, specially designed to celebrate mothers on Mother’s Day.

Month of the Francophonie

Several activities are planned at the La Mosaïque school as part of the Rendez-vous de la francophonie, in particular, a quiz called “The adventures of Castor-voyageur in French-speaking countries” . This quiz, both educational and fun, is suitable for primary school children and will be a perfect way to celebrate the month of Francophonie, the theme of which this year is “Discover with sparkles”.

Online Workshop: General Taxes

Join us for our next online workshop: General Taxes. Together, we will go through all the key aspects to help you optimize your tax return. The workshop will include a one-hour presentation, followed by 30 minutes of questions and answers. 

Introduction to Computer Science: Intermediate Level: Session 3

Le Portail de l’Immigrant Association in collaboration with the Learning Centre Literacy Association, offers you a series of free workshops

Reprise du tutorat en français

Tutoring is personalized support aimed at reinforcing learning and developing study strategies for young individuals.

Les activités du programme parascolaire reprennent!

Registrations for extracurricular activities are now open. This year, these activities will take place:

Clinique juridique

The PIA organizes and offers you the first legal consultation free of charge every 2nd Tuesday of the month by the Alberta Center for Legal Information and every last Thursday of the month by the lawyer Maître Christelle Malongue, Barrister & Solicitor.

Counseling service

PIA offers professional counseling services (specialized advice) to individuals: adults and young people.

Calgary Francophone Youth Center (MJFC)

Are your teens enrolled in the PIA Youth Program?
Our program provides a multicultural place to gather, help, support, mentor and coach Calgary youth.
We offer a range of creative and educational activities where teens can explore, discover or develop their natural talent according to their interests.
As a bonus, this space allows young people to create new friendships!

The Immigrant Association Portal (PIA)

  • is a francophone organization located in Western Canada
  • offers a range of programs and services for Francophone and Francophile newcomers
  • collaborates with various entities to offer services tailored to customer needs


You are a Francophone woman who has recently arrived in Calgary and/or its surroundings and who wants

  • meet other women
  • participate in recreational and educational activities in French

You are a parent who wants

  • enroll your children in a French-language school
  • see your children participate in activities in French (extracurricular, tutoring, summer camp, etc.)

You are a young person who wishes

  • discover a privileged space for meeting and conviviality
  • meet other young people to discuss in French
  • set up projects between young people

Wednesday, May 20, 2024


Workshops: Cross-Cultural Parenting